NOTE: Skillbook of ore gathering speed must be attached to Gaius. Assistant General: Lucy or Gaius Marius. If not available, use Constance I the Purple General, as a temporary alternative. Empress Dowager Cixi – All Defense -15%, Ground Defense -15%. Subordinate City (Debuff : Defense, HP). ( Detailed Comparison) A-8) Subordinate City Purple General, but can be used as a temporary attacker in the early game and for participating in monster rallies (assisting with debuffs) in the late game. Nathanael Greene (Reduce Stamina’s cost). If not available, use Cleopatra, the Purple General, as a temporary alternative. If attack is your top priority, add the “Against-Monster Mounted Troop Attack” & “Mounted Troop Attack” skill to the Mounted PvP General above.
Defense General (PvP) ( Detailed Comparison). – Combination Compatibility List A-6) Defense General – Combination Compatibility List A-5) Siege PvP General Assistant: Yue Fei ( Detailed Comparison). – Combination Compatibility List A-4) Ground PvP General – Combination Compatibility List A-3) Mounted PvP General Reinforce (to alliance member’s city) / Wall (concurrent post). Generals – Only generals available in the Tavern / Great General Chest / Relics. A-11) Methods and Priorities of Acquisition. (There are generals who can’t be obtained without charging.) Who you hire depends a lot on how much you charge.
(It’ s in the upper left corner of the store and in the tavern.) “Great General Chest” must be opened every day.If tavern level is over 21 ( 24 or higher recommended), it is relatively easy for a gold historic general to appear.Most historic general who come to tavern are useless.Only the golden historic general should be hired.– Added debuff content to all mayor generals. – Added generals that are now available in relics in “pay no money” section. – Refine section 2 / Added Empaminondas. – Added Elise / Added a simple guide to Debuff General. – Added a general to the “pay no money” section that is now newly available in the tavern.
Additional perspectives on Star Level 10. – added Assistant Generals to Resource Gathering section.