While this is making me swear off Brother printers, I'd still like to fix this. I got cocky and said maybe I should by the Canon at Best Buy that does just as much but costs $100 less, she hung up on me.

She basically said screw you, go find an official Brother service center. The woman said I could replace it for a refurbished model then reneged on me because my printer is a month out of warranty (convenient, eh?). I called Brother and they were totally effin' worthless. So now I have $350 of brand new official (and officially overpriced) Brother toner, full ones, and yet, still, the "No Toner" error. Install Toner Cartridge" over and over and over but there IS toner in there and stupid me, I went and bought all new official Brother toner thinking maybe that's what was tripping it, 3rd party cartridges. I'm getting the "No Toner" error with "Open the Front Cover.